Infinite Energy NZ Limited

Infinite Energy NZ Limited logo

REDUCE YOUR POWER BILL - NOT YOUR STREET APPEAL! Infinite Energy NZ is a family owned company based in Central Otago. We specialise in the design and installation of quality solar power systems with industry leading aesthetics. If you want solar on your roof, but don't want it to stand out, then our team can help. 
Our in house team of qualified electricians and installers can help with the design and installation of: grid connected solar, hybrid solar with the latest lithium ion batteries, and off-grid solar.

Regions serviced

2021 Winner Best Grid-Connected Renewable System

2023 Joint Winner Taspac Best Off-Grid PV System

2024 Runner Up Best Off Grid PV System


Infinite Energy NZ - The Climate House

Infinite Energy NZ - testimonial by The Climate House