
30 minutes

Emma McRae, Boffa Miskell

Room 2

Integrating utility scale solar and battery storage into the rural environment from a landscape perspective

Emma has a wide range of experience working for both public sector and private clients on landscape assessment, landscape planning, landscape design and regeneration projects in New Zealand and the United Kingdom, where she began working on solar schemes in 2012. Emma has specialist expertise in carrying out landscape and visual effects assessments for renewable energy developments including solar farms, single wind turbines and larger wind farms. Emma has also provided landscape advice to local councils and provided evidence in relation to this on their behalf at Hearings. She also has specialist experience in undertaking glint and glare assessments for solar developments. Her work in the renewables sector has involved working alongside developers, planners and engineers and ecologists to achieve sustainable and coherent design outcomes.

Emma will discuss how to understand a site from a landscape perspective, potential pitfalls, the scale of solar developments and solar design in terms of landscape integration and mitigation and how developers can prepare to create solar schemes which have achievable landscape outcomes.

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