SEANZ Energy Strategy and Policy Think Big Build Small
SEANZ Energy Strategy and Policy| Think Big Build Small
NEWS FROM SEANZ, by Brendan Winitana Chairman SEANZ
SEANZ Energy Strategy and Policy Think Big Build Small
Detailing the proposition of solar PV and BESS, and its value to the upcoming Aotearoa New Zealand Energy Strategy 2024, the SEANZ Energy Strategy identifies and spells out the impacts and significant contribution across the national infrastructure chain of energy generation, transmission, distribution and demand/consumption.
This unique proposition enables greater accessibility and energy affordability by reducing and deferring the investments in transmission and distribution bottle necks – a cost of 42 cents in every dollar every consumer spends on power from the national grid!! How?
With new models of transacting the energy movement business, enabling consumers behind the meter, community energy developments, utility scale solar farms at distribution and transmission levels, to build a TRANSACTIVE GRID over the existing non-transactive one way grid. Enabling more participants to engage and transact energy movement creates competition in the short, mid and long term using various models of engagement over the traditional market structure and regulation. Lets talk about taking the costs out caused by the current bottlenecks.
Utilising flexibility services, streamlining consenting processes for utility scale, implementing community engagement and bio-diversity standards along with others can deliver what we all seek – a decarbonised, effective engaging economy with all the socio-economic groupings and levels enabled to participate for there well being and those in their whanau and community.
Implementation requires courage and bravery – if we do the same thing and expect a different result we are lost. This is the call to all political parties and this government to act now as energy lies at the heart of enabling the economy of Aotearoa New Zealand, its people and its place in the world – reliably, fairly and with resilience. THINK BIG BUILD SMALL