First retail centre in NZ to go Solar Grid Share and 100% renewable
On 11th December the first retail centre in New Zealand that implements Solar Grid Share was opened. It was opened by Broadway Property at their Moore Street Retail Centre (219 Moore Street, Howick).
Solar Grid Share concept, is offering the opportunity for local businesses to join together, generating solar power for the benefit of all.
The solar system installed by Solar Group will provide more than 50% of the power needs of the 13 retailers. The remaining of the power is coming from the grid and is purchased from a 100% sustainable energy supplier at wholesale prices. The installation consists of 160 solar panels.
This is a fantastic achievement for local business. It is also a fine example of how businesses and property developers can make our community more sustainable, by generating clean power on-site.
“We were sceptical at the beginning to get all local businesses agreeing to come together under a single energy arrangement with Broadway Property Group” said Roy Netzer the managing director of Solar Group
“It was amazing to see that within a couple of weeks everyone were onboard creating this amazing concept calls Solar Grid Share”
“This is showing how property developers together with local businesses can create a real win-win for everyone. It is a step in the right direction and more businesses should follow this path” said Roy Netzer
This is a great start in helping businesses, the community and Auckland Council meeting carbon emission reduction targets.
Click here to see a video of the installation at the Moore Street Retail Centre.
Click here to find our more about Solar Group and Solar Grid Share.