Flex Forum

SEANZ is fully engaged in the Flex Forum for its members. The FlexForum is a co-ordinated collaboration across the electricity industry including retailers, network operators/lines companies, system integrators, energy sharing platforms/aggregators and the DER/solar and storage industry spearheaded by SEANZ to action and unlock the value of DER and flexibility for households, businesses, communities, the power system and Aotearoa New Zealand.
The Flex Forum Plan represents a synthesis of the ideas and opinions expressed during the fortnightly FlexForum meetings, public webinars and interviews conducted from February 2022 to August 2022. Part of the challenge of bringing together information from international research and the wide range of FlexForum members and guests means that there are aspects of this plan that may not align with individual members’ views. The purpose of the Flexibility Plan is to provide a framework for leading the transition required by the whole electricity system, including consumers with and without DER, to maximise the value of flexible resources.
Delivering the entire Flexibility Plan will take many years and requires support and resources at every level from communities, to the electricity sector, to government and regulators. We invite you to be more involved with the FlexForum and shape the Flexibility Plan during the next phase.
Today, the scope, deliverables and pathway for real-world trials with the goal of facilitating mutual learning and advancing the role of flexibility in Aotearoa New Zealand are well in play.

To learn more view the Flex Forum Flexibility Plan here and contact SEANZ.

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