Public Resources

Sustainable Energy for a Sustainable Future

The role of Solar PV and Batteries in building a more resilient, clean, affordable, and reliable energy system to power New Zealand’s low emissions economy. Click here to download.

Solar PV Export Rates

PV Export Buy Rates from Retailers - June 22


An independent report commissioned by SEANZ members. Click here to download. 

SEANZ Standards Guide for Solar, Small Wind and Renewable Energy

This is a guide to the relevant standards and clauses for the design and installation of renewable energy systems in New Zealand. The guide has been written by SEANZ with funding from EECA. Click here to download

SEANZ Distributed Energy Metering Guide 

The purpose of this guide is to give an overview of the metering requirements for small-scale distributed generation (DG) systems in New Zealand. It is written as a general set of guidelines for anyone looking to install their own network-connected DG system. It contains a number of helpful hyperlinks to online references that should operate on any internet connected PC. Click here to download

SEANZ Standalone Power Systems Contract

SEANZ encourages all those purchasing or selling a Stand Alone Power System to ensure that a contract is in place to protect both the customer and supplier/installer. To assist in this SEANZ has made this standard contract available. This contract is written to provide a clear understanding to both parties of the system design assumptions, equipment to be supplied, payment and other terms and conditions. The contract has been adapted from a contract provided by the Clean Energy Council, Australia. The contract was originally funded by Department of the Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts. SEANZ would like to acknowledge the support of these two organisations, and the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority EECA, for their assistance in adapting this contract to New Zealand. Click here to download

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