The Silverman’s in Waimakairi
Solar panels: 11 x 285W panels. Inverter: 5kW string inverter. Total cost: $8,360. Electricity price: $0.30. Solar export price: $0.08 . Installation date: August 2017.
Other than saving hundreds of dollars each year on power bills, the Silverman household are experiencing the many benefits of installing solar power. They “love being independent” and feel they are “lessening the burden on power companies/Government in providing power”.
The Silvermans say another benefit is that it is “clean and green - no emissions, or pollutants.”
The home owners have done as much as they can to use their solar power wisely, making use of all their solar power means they aren't exporting excess power to the grid. They have a timer on the hot water cylinder, so it conveniently only comes on during the day. They also have timers on 3 small freezers in the garage, and the dishwasher is set to turn on at 10am most mornings.
The home owners were anticipating the power bills to be under $100 a month, which has yet to transpire, the solar power system however is producing as much power as expected.