Utility Scale Solar (USS) Grid Connect Forum

USS Workshop 1


SEANZ Utility Scale Solar (USS) Grid Connect Forum is a workstream to solve the issue of Utility Scale grid connection in New Zealand. A mixture of knowledge gaps, legislative and code requirements that aren't fit for purpose and resource constraints have created a bottleneck for generation developers in New Zealand. Transpower and the EDBs are working hard to solve the resource constraints and SEANZ is looking to support their efforts.

On the 28th of November 2023, the first of a series of workshops was undertaken in Auckland. This first workshop looked to lay down the issues in a coherent way. This workshop developed an Issues and Actions register. The register will be refined at workshop two, where issues will be assigned to working groups who will be tasked with providing solutions.

The final stage will be to review the solutions, and set action plans in place to deliver the outcomes proposed. 

SEANZ USS members will be at the forefront of these solutions, including member Developers, Utilities, Engineering Consultants and EPC contracting firms. Join SEANZ USS to access the outputs of these sessions, or to join the team working on solving the largest hurdle to the development of new large scale generation in New Zealand.

For more information, please contact USS Technical Programme Manager Trent Tscheuschler.

As part of the workstream, we have been asking involvement from our regulators. Read our letter to MBIE here

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