Wellington Solar and Battery Trial
SEANZ member Skysolar has partnered with Contact Energy Wellington Electricity Lines, Wellington City Council in a trial to find solutions to increase community resilience in times of natural disaster.
An energy independant solar home with battery system will be at the centre of the trial with multiple benefits outside of the home being measured.
Wellington City Council will test what could work following a big event, such as an earthquake. neighbours will be able to use the home as a hob to charge essential items such as cellphones.
For the period of the trial, Contact will be able to control the discharge the batteries at peak times back to the house or into the grid. Wellington Electricity will use the trial to develop their ability to share the excess energy and spread loads high network demand.
SEANZ member Nick Freeman, Managing Director of Skysolar, said they are excited to be part of the trial and are glad that retailers and lines companies are“embracing the solar technology”.