"In winter we have halved our previous power bills" - Harrisons Energy Solutions
Les and Christine Newman installed solar a year ago and earlier this year added a Tesla Powerwall 2 battery.
“We decided to fit solar panels after speaking to friends who have had them in their house for a few years. We added a Tesla Powerwall 2 to take advantage of the surplus generation over demand so that we can power our home day and night. The bonus is we can now charge our Mitsubishi Outlander PHEV overnight from the solar power stored. This has worked out better than we expected and most spring, summer and autumn months we have small power bills of around $20. And in winter we have halved our previous power bills. Would we recommend solar panels and a battery? Yes, as the monthly savings we have made show a far better return than having the money in the bank and the interest you would earn from the bank is taxed whereas the savings from the solar panels is tax free. Another bonus is that we are protected from power cuts on the grid.”